
Topografische kaart Palatine Hill

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Over deze kaart

Naam: Topografische kaart Palatine Hill, hoogte, reliëf.

Locatie: Palatine Hill, Campitelli, Municipio Roma I, Rome, Roma Capitale, Lazio, 00184, Italy (41.87931 12.47711 41.89931 12.49711)

Gemiddelde hoogte: 40 m

Minimale hoogte: 3 m

Maximale hoogte: 79 m

In 2007 the legendary Lupercal cave was claimed to have been found beneath the remains of the Domus Livia (House of Livia) on the Palatine. Archaeologists came across the 16-metre-deep cavity while restoring the decaying palace, with a richly decorated vault encrusted with mosaics and seashells. The Lupercal was probably converted to a sanctuary by Romans in later centuries. Many others have denied its identification with the Lupercal on topographic and stylistic grounds, and believe that the grotto is actually a nymphaeum or underground triclinium from Neronian times.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

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